Recycle and Save

četvrtak, 1. septembar 2022.

Amira Žmirić

 Goal of the project: The formation of positive eco-friendly habits from a young age. The project can also serve as a pilot project for possible further projects. It is also very important to take care about our planet, and through this project we can do something that is possible on our part.


The project beneficiary: The project beneficiary are:

*The primary school "Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic" Banja Luka. This primary school is one of the largest in Banja Luka. We think, it would be the best to start with one of the largest school in the city. We also have the support of the school principal. This school has 22 classrooms and 3 classrooms in the regional village school, that is a part of this primary school.


Project description:

In this way, the students take an active role in separating waste and the students become aware of how important is to protect the environment. Up to now, this task of separating waste has been carried out by the school cleaners under the supervision of the school management.

We have also planned workshops/panels and educations on the topic of environmental protection and waste separation, in case the epidemiological situation allows it and if the relevant ministry has given its consent. If we can not organize the workshops, we are planning to make some panels and online presentations for the students.


We would like to place a waste separation bucket in every classroom (22 classrooms). We would also like to place a waste separation bucket in 3 classrooms for regional village school, that belongs to the primary school "Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic.


The sustainability of the project: We have the support of the school principal. This is important because of the sustainability of the project. The sustainability is also ensured by further plans of our club. We plan to turn this project into the global grant next year and set up the containers in all primary schools, or in an another district grant.


By realizing this project we would like to make a contribution of the Rotary to bilding a civil society, a contribution to improvement on the environment, one of the Rotary's global seven areas of focus, and make possible hands-on work for all partners.

We further hope that this will lead to personal friendships between our clubs and individual Rotarians and Rotaractors!



The formation of positive eco-friendly habits from a young age.


9400 Euro (€)


Schwerpunkt: Umwelt
Projekttyp: International
Projektart: District Grant
Land: Bosna i Hercegovina
Ort: Banja Luka
Projektzeitraum: 01.09.2022 - 01.04.2023
Kontaktperson: Amira Žmirić

Partnerski klubovi

Rotary Clubs: rc banja luka gloria, rc baden, rc moedling, rac moedling-perchtoldsdorf, rac banja luka gloria

Distrikte: 1910